Taking My Eve Online Corporation Public

I have wanted to get this experience for years, and now I have what I consider a good amount of experience in game. Also a profitable business model. I am in the process of setting up a discord with automated data publishing for trades, and starting with an initial offer to buy in [ AD below ].

The corporation is about 4 years old. I have played EVE since 2007 on and off with life taking me away from time to time, but I always come back.

My official eve online forums post is here:


My official website for the corporation will be here F3RL.com but this is only for publishing data purposes i dont think the website will be used for anything other than SEAT ESI routing of information to the discord.

DISCORD: currently being made and in the process.

the offer:

:rocket: Exciting Investment Opportunity in EVE Online – F3ND1MUS RESEARCH LABORATORY :rocket:

:milky_way: Are you ready to be part of something big?
I am seeking 100 billion ISK in capital to expand our thriving trading operations across The Forge.
Join me in blocks of 1 billion ISK and watch your investment flourish!

:moneybag: Attractive Returns:
Invest with me and enjoy a 10% APY!
That means a whopping 10 billion ISK return on a 100 billion investment over a year,
distributed in 12 monthly payments. Invest more, earn more—it’s that simple!

:hourglass_flowing_sand: Flexible Terms: We value flexibility. That’s why we retain the option to pay off the loan earlier than anticipated. A 30-day notice will ensure you’re informed every step of the way, with final payments adjusted accordingly.

:mailbox_with_mail: Stay Connected: Have questions, comments, or concerns? Post here or contact us in-game.

:handshake: Join Me Today: I’m excited to forge prosperous partnerships and look forward to doing business with you.

:link: Let’s Connect and Prosper Together in EVE Online!


ps this is the offer for now, I am setting it at this price. I don’t need the money. You don’t need to invest. this isn’t a scam, i already trade and make money, this is a project for me to learn and grow, and to show the EVE community what can be done if we collaborate. I am setting this public company up, and I will be working to establish it and grow it. Can interest rates go up in the future, yes, but for now i am comfortable with 10%. I am investing my time and effort into this and from my perspective this is fair offer. You can go invest in PLEX, and or you can divest and diversify with me.

Pledge, to all of NEW EDEN, like its necessary, I AM A MAN OF MY WORD. I WILL NOT SCAM A SINGLE INVESTOR EVER. That isnt my jam. So as a trusted and growing trusted member of the community and putting my reputation on the line, this is my best offer at the moment above.

fly safe, o7


Eve Who – F3ND1MUS 2


discord link added:


Author: F3ND1MUS


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